In less than 24 hours I will become an official Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV). For as long as I can remember, becoming an official PCV seemed like such a task, a lot of work; but, I've finished my training, and am finally getting sworn in. Tomorrow (Wednesday December 14th, 2011), I will have jumped a small hurdle of my dream.
Training was intense. Difficult at times, but rewarding all the same. I am now a proud Intermediate-High speaker of Kiswahili, and, if I can toot my own horn for a minute, passed my final written Language Exam with flying colors :) Homestay was definitely an experience. I didn't realize how attached I had become to my mama and sisters until I had to say goodbye to them... She warmed up my bucket bath shower for me every morning, made me chai and breakfast each morning, and helped show me how Tanzanian's wash clothes correctly. There is definitely an art to washing that red dirt out of each article of clothing. She taught me how to cook, clean a Tanzanian house, and corrected my Kiswahili when I would screw it up. I appreciated my Mama Zubeda, along with my sisters, and wouldn't be here without their help and patience.
Thursday all 41 of us Volunteers will leave for our respective sites. Due to confidentiality, I can only share that I will be in Mtwara region, in what current PCV's call "the dirty south". I can only imagine it got it's name because it's a sauna down there on the coast, but I can't complain, because my fingers could use a break from the cold Wisco winters for 2 years. I am going to be living near the Makonde Tribe, which is one of Tanzania's largest ethnic tribes, they migrated from Mozambique. Apparently from my site, I can see into the Ruvuma River Valley, and into Mozambique. I will share more when I actually arrive on Friday!
Ok, I've got emails to write! Everyone take care, I'm loving it here :)