So, this is my first time to the Indian Ocean! I didn't spend much time there yet, bc I wanted to update all ya'll first. I will venture down there in a bit. So far Pre-service Training (PST) has been intense, just like everyone had warned us. But, intense doesn't mean bad, it just means we're busy. Which for those of you who know me, I love being busy. So, this is great! Turns out learning Kiswahili isn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be, however, we have our first oral exam in a few weeks and I hope I'm saying the same thing.
Life in Tanzania is definitely different, especially living with a homestay family. I live in the village of Kibaoni Chemka with my mama, 11 year old little sister and 25 year old sister. The 25 year old is so great and helpful! She's just living with us for a bit, bc she lives in Dar es Salaam, but I hope she doesn't leave for a while yet, bc she's helped me to understand much of the language and culture. The Tanzanian's sure do love their greetings! Everywhere you go someone WILL talk to you. Which was hard to get used to for an American who's used to keeping to herself, but now it's second nature. Everyone wants to know how you woke up, how you slept, how are you this morning, how is your home? It's just a polite way of saying hi.
It hits me every other day or so that I'm actually here, living the life of a Peace Corps Trainee. I think to myself, "I'm FINALLY in Africa!" It's a wonderful feeling. Especially when I'm walking to class and can see the Umsambara Mountains in the distance. Or when I come home and am able to communicate with minimal language with my mama and sisters. It really is a fantastic feeling.
I'm not doing a very good job of updating you on the things I've been doing, but I have limited time here at the internet cafe. Our group of trainees is going to Pangani for a semi-vacation the Peace Corps allows us to go on so we stay somewhat sane :) They apparently have American food, kayaking, wireless internet, AND it's on the Indian Ocean. Can't complain much about that! So, hopefully I will be able to write again next weekend. Everyone take care!